Test Bank for Intermediate Accounting Volume 2 13th Canadian Edition E. Kieso
Intermediate Accounting, Volume 2, 13th Canadian Edition E. Kieso, J. Weygandt, D. Warfield, M. Wiecek, J. McConomy Test Bank and Solution Manual

Intermediate Accounting Volume 2 13th Canadian Edition E. Kieso J. Weygandt D. Warfield M. Wiecek J. McConomy Test Bank and Solution Manual
Product details
Intermediate Accounting Volume 2 13th Canadian Edition E. Kieso J. Weygandt D. Warfield M. Wiecek J. McConomy Test Bank and Solution Manual
- Publisher : Wiley (WileyPLUS Products); 13th edition
- (Feb. 14 2022)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1119740630
- ISBN-13 : 978-1119740636
- Item weight : 2.19 kg
- Best Sellers Rank: #92,166 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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About the Book .. :
Intermediate Accounting, 13th Canadian Edition has always been, and continues to be, the gold standard that helps connect students to the what, the why, and the how of accounting information. Through new edition updates, you will be able to spark efficient and effective learning and inspire and prepare students to be the accounting professionals of tomorrow.
To help develop a deeper understanding of course concepts and move beyond basic understanding, students work through a high-quality assessment at varying levels, helping them learn more efficiently and create connections between topics and real-world application. This course also presents an emphasis on decision-making through Integrated Cases and Research and Analysis questions that allow students to analyze business transactions, apply both IFRS and ASPE, and explore how different accounting standards impact real companies.
Throughout the course, students also work through a variety of hands-on activities including Data Analytics Problems, Analytics in Action features, Excel templates, and a new emphasis on sustainability, all within the chapter context. These applications help students develop an accounting decision-making mindset and improve the professional judgement and communication skills needed to be successful in the evolving accounting world.
Table of Contents : Volume 2
- Non-Financial and Current Liabilities
- Long-Term Financial Liabilities
- Shareholders’ Equity
- Complex Financial Instruments
- Earnings per Share
- Income Taxes
- Pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefits
- Leases
- Accounting Changes and Error Analysis
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Other Measurement and Disclosure Issues
Appendix A: Time Value of Money Tables
Appendix B: A Summary of the Case Primer
Appendix C: The Accounting Information System*
Appendix D: Specimen Financial Statements*
Appendix E: CPA Competency Map Coverage*
New emphasis on readability focuses on using fewer abbreviations, clearer language, shorter sentences, numbered lists, and clearer headings.
Re-structured Put into Practice exercises in each chapter make them more accessible for students.
Updates to the material have been made to ensure content is current and accurate. Where has been a significant change in an accounting standard or how it is applied, it has been highlighted with a significant change wordmark.
Develop Problem Solving Skills
Hundreds of algorithmic questions, available across all levels of Blooms taxonomy, help student learn accounting and develop problem solving skills.
Solve Business Problems with Excel
Excel Templates are available with select exercises and problems in the end-of-chapter material and give students an opportunity to practice using Excel functions within the accounting context. Questions with available Excel templates are labelled by an Excel Word icon to make it easier for instructors to incorporate Excel practice within homework assignments.
Develop Data Analytics and Literacy Skills
NEW! Analytics in Action Features and Videos use Power BI-based data visualizations and dashboards to tell the stories of various business scenarios. Over 20 author-created videos drill deeper into the visualizations and dashboards, helping further explain how data visualizations can be used to tell the story behind the numbers.
Additional Data Analytics Problems in the end-of-chapter material provide students with opportunities to analyze information and prepare simple visualizations using Excel. These problems range in difficulty and offer varied data sets, providing instructors with the flexibility to assign problems that are at the appropriate level for their students.
Ensure Your Course is Current
NEW emphasis on sustainability has been included throughout the course, including relevant cases and research assignments. Sustainability is growing in importance as accountants are increasingly being called on to collect data and prepare reports on sustainability, as well as providing assurance on such information, which is becoming more important to an increasing number of stakeholders.
Prepare Students for CPA Exam Success
NEW! CPA Competency Map Integration has been added which includes a mapping of the content in each chapter against the 2020 CPA Competency Map and Knowledge Supplement. This appears in Appendix D in WileyPLUS.
Assess Learning with Confidence
Develop and build upon students’ understanding of intermediate accounting applications and procedures with a heavily reworked test bank and questions varying in levels of difficulty including analysis problems, short answer, multiple-choice, analytics in action, Excel Templates, and more.
All solutions manual and Test Banks be in soft copy [Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF )or Word format .Docx]
Best wishes,
Student Saver Team ,
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