Introduction to Sociology 5th/e Ritzer 2019 Test Bank
Test Bank for Introduction to Sociology Fifth Edition 5/e by George Ritzer , Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy ( SAGE Publisher ) Test Bank

Introduction to Sociology Fifth Edition 5e by George Ritzer , Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy ( SAGE Publisher ) Test Bank
Test Bank
Product details
- Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; Fifth edition (August 20, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1544355173
- ISBN-13: 978-1544355177
Introduction to Sociology 5th/e Ritzer 2019 Test Bank
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Introduction to Sociology
- George Ritzer – University of Maryland, USA
- Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy – John Carroll University, USA
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- Join the conversation with one of sociology’s best-known thinkers. In the fully updated Fifth Edition of Introduction to Sociology, bestselling author George Ritzer shows students the relevance of sociology to their lives. While providing a rock-solid foundation, the text illuminates traditional sociological concepts and theories, as well as some of the most compelling contemporary social phenomena: globalization, consumer culture, the Internet, and the “McDonaldization” of society. Packed with current examples and the latest research of how “public” sociologists are engaging with the critical issues of today, this new edition encourages students to apply a sociological perspective to their worldview—empowering them to participate in a global conversation about current social problems. A Complete Teaching & Learning Package
SAGE Premium Video
Included in the interactive eBook! SAGE Premium Video tools and resources boost comprehension and bolster analysis. Preview a video on McDonaldization now.
Interactive eBook
Includes access to SAGE Premium Video, multimedia tools, and much more! Save when you bundle the interactive eBook with the new edition. Order using bundle ISBN: 978-1-5443-9664-4. Learn more.
SAGE coursepacks
FREE! Easily import high-quality content, such as exceptional teaching resources from A.S.A.’s TRAILS (Teaching Resources and Innovation Library for Sociology), into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time.
SAGE edge
FREE online resources, including an MCAT Guide for students that maps chapter content to sociology standards on the MCAT test and connects students with free online MCAT study-and-review websites.
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Table of Contents
- Updated examples in the text and “Digital Living” boxes keep pace with changes in digital technology and online practices, including genealogy websites, Uber, Bitcoin, Tinder, the #MeToo movement, digital privacy, WikiLeaks, and cyberbullying.
- New topics in the “Trending” boxes demonstrate the diversity of sociology’s practitioners, methods, and subject matter. Featured authors include:
- Robert Wuthnow (The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America)
- Adam Reich and Peter Bearman (Working for Respect: Community and Conflict at Walmart)
- Bruce Western (Homeward: Life in the Year after Prison)
- Arlene Stein (Unbound: Transgender Men and Remaking of Identity)
- Tressie McMillan Cottom (Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy)
- Zevnep Tufekci (Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest)
- Arlie Hochschild (Strangers in Their Own Land)
- Lori Peek and Alice Fothergill (Children of Katrina)
- New or updated subjects apply sociological thinking to the latest issues including:
- the 2016 U.S. election
- Brexit
- the global growth of ISIS
- climate change
- further segmentation of wealthy Americans as the “super rich”
- transgender people in the U.S. armed forces
- charter schools
- the legalization of marijuana
- the Flint water crisis
- fourth-wave feminism
- New SAGE Sociology News Clips connect core sociological concepts to brief, 2-4 minute news clips of current events, such as
- New Federal Health Guidelines for Americans
- Encouraging Women in Tech
- Child Sex Trafficking
- Child Hunger in War-Ravaged Yemen
- Beer and Faith
- Retail Workers See Shift Amid Changing Landscape
- Opioid Crisis Strains Families and the Foster System
- State Elections See Infusion of Women Candidates
- U.S. March for Our Lives
- The text focuses on several themes that help define social life today:
- Globalization—the flow of people, goods, institutions, and ideas across national borders.
- Consumer Culture—the meaning attached to getting and using material goods.
- Digital Living—social life mediated by digital technologies.
- A conceptual foundation for understanding sociology is provided in the first chapter so students can build upon that foundation when they are introduced to different sociological theories.
- Strong coverage of sociological theory is presented in an enhanced three-category system that is similar to the approach of most introductory sociology texts, but richer—encompassing classical theories as well as the most important offshoots of those theories developed in recent years.
- Contemporary public sociologists, whose works and ideas have entered the national conversation, appear in “Trending” boxes to encourage students to join a public conversation by providing key insights about current sociological issues.
- Global maps illustrate the global “flows” of people, goods, and ideas in the contemporary world.
- SAGE coursepacks enables instructors to import high-quality content, such as exceptional teaching resources from A.S.A.’s TRAILS (Teaching Resources and Innovation Library for Sociology), into their school’s learning management system (LMS) with no access codes.
- SAGE edge provides students helpful tools, including an MCAT Guide for students that maps chapter content to sociology standards on the MCAT test and connects students with free online MCAT study-and-review websites.
- Animated videos within the Interactive eBook bring core sociological concepts to life by illustrating key content in each chapter, such as the nuclear family, discrimination, stereotypes, and more!
, Also .. you can check our full list there :
list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 1
list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 2
list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 3
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All solutions manual and Test Banks be in soft copy [Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF )or Word format .Docx]
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Student Saver Team ,